Calculator Panel
Input Field
Output Field

The Calculator Panel is responsible for performing the computations. It is the interactive area of the page where inputs are entered and outputs are returned.
The calculator Panels share a standard format throughout the program. There are two types: Basic, featuring one single equation like the IBW below -exhibit 2-. And the Master level type, featuring multiple equations for combined calculations.
Calculator Panels have a very standard architecture, see below.


1) Input Panels. The IBW Calculator Panel contains 2 Input Fields, one for each input to the equation (height & gender).
2) Output Panel. The IBW Calculator Panel contains 1 Output Fields (for the result of the equation).
3) Title. Formula (e.g. Ideal Body Weight)
4) Print Button. Opens a print format page ready to be printed.
5) Reset Button.
6) Calculate Button.

Exhibit 2. Health 101™ Calculator Panel (IBW).


a) Parameter abbreviation/name.
b) Specimen (if applicable, e.g. serum).
c) Input Field (always write-enabled, white background, yellow background when focused).
d) Units (label/radio buttons).

Exhibit 3. Health 101™ Input Field (Body Weight).


a) Parameter abbreviation/name.
b) Specimen (if applicable, e.g. serum).
c) Output Field (always write-protected).
d) Units (label/radio buttons).

Exhibit 4. Health 101™ Output Field (IBW).

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Input Fields background is always write-enabled.
Output fields background is always write-protected.


1) Input Panel. Usually contains 1 Input field.
2) Output Panel. Usually contains 1 Output field.
3) Abbreviations and notes.
4) Conversion factors.
5) Reset Button.
6) Convert Button.

Exhibit 5. Health 101™ Conversion Panel (in-cm).