The great majority of questions and/or problems can be answered and/or solved by looking at the information presented in the following sections: SYSTEM REQS, OVERVIEW, FEATURES and FAQ. Please read them thoroughly.

The most frequent causes of trouble are:
  • The Computer speed and/or RAM are not enough.
  • The Browser is not MSIE 5.0 or later.
  • Javascript is not on/enabled.
  • Your display is not set to 800x600 pixels.
  • You have many applications on (try closing them and retry Health 101™).

    Please click here (system requirements) and go over the requirements one by one. Also make sure to configure your system according to our specifications.

    Learn about Printing in the Tutorial.

    If after all you still have a doubt, specific question or problem, please email us at and we will gladly try to help. Thank You.


    ScyMed does not provide on line help for the Health 101™ Application.

    If you have questions about Health 101™, please consult this HELP section, Tutorial and DEMOS.

    You can also email us at: