• What is Health 101™?
  • What functions does it perform?
  • What is a health parameter?

  • Are the Contents based on Medical Guidelines?
  • What is the Risk Assessment Tool?
  • What to do with my Results?

  • What is What-if analysis?

  • What is a browser-based program?

  • What is Health 101™?
    Health 101™ is the most innovative and up-to-date software program for health education and Risk Assessment in the US market today. It was developed by physicians (board-certified MD) and is intended for all audiences. The contents are fully referenced and its functionality broadly tested.

    Health 101™ Content & Function
    Health 101™ performs automatic computation of dozens of health parameters commonly used in healthcare. These include: Body Mass Index (BMI), Ideal Body Weight (IBW), Expected Date of Delivery (EDD), Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE), Target Heart Rate (tHR), and many more.
    The program also incorporates an innovative 'Cardiac Risk Assessment Tool' (including Framingham Scores, Major Risk factors and the Metabolic Syndrome).

    What is a health parameter?
    The best way to define a health parameter is to provide an example. A health parameter is a health variable used in healthcare, like the Body Mass Index (BMI), Ideal Body Weight (IBW), Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE), etc. In general, these health parameters are derived (calculated) from other measured parameters. For example, the BMI is calculated from Body Height and Body Weight.

    Are the Contents based on Medical Guidelines?
    Yes. Health 101™ contents and function are based on Medical Guidelines issued by the US National Institutes of Health including (but not limited to):

    National Cholesterol Education Program
    (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)

    National Diabetes Education Program
    (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

    National High Blood Pressure Education Program
    (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)

    NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative
    (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)

    Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005
    (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
    (U.S. Department of Agriculture)

    What is the Risk Assessment Tool?
    Health 101™ features a comprehensive 'Cardiac Risk Assessment Tool' (including Framingham Scores, Major Risk factors and Metabolic Syndrome). It is based on the National Cholesterol Education Program ATP III Guidelines. It allows users to calculate the so-called Heart Disease 10-year Risk with ease and reliability. Tools for Body Weight and Body Metrix Assessments are also included.
    The Risk Assessment Tool algorithms automatically process the User's data (inputs) and generate the custom Risk Assessment.

    What to do with my Results?
    Health 101™ must be used carefully. All information, data and content obtained through the use of Health 101™ are provided with 'informational' and 'educational' purposes only. In no way it is a substitute for professional medical care. The program does not offer a diagnosis or treatment plan. Users must check with their physicians before taking any action or making any decisions regarding their health.
    Users would benefit enormously by reading the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines included in this program, they can also check them directly at the NIH website (all hyperlinks are provided).

    What is What-if analysis?
    "What If" analysis is hypothetical analysis, the advent of computers and software systems have allowed what-if analysis in other disciplines. Health 101™ enables Users to perform "What If" analysis of personal risk-reduction scenarios with ease and reliability. This capability is very useful in order to assess risk under different risk factors, for example: it will quickly tell the difference in cardiac risk before and after quitting smoking.

    What is a browser-based program?
    ScyMed® Health 101™ combines leading technologies such as object-oriented programming and the open standards of the Internet.
    It is a browser-based application, what means that it runs on a www browser, specifically, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5/later (MSIE 5.0 is a must)