Health Education & Awareness Tool

Health 101™ is the most innovative and up-to-date software program for Health Education and Risk Assessment in the US market today. The program represents the first integrated Health tool for the non-professional. It is comprehensive and individualized. Users are able to compute their own health parameters and assess their heart disease risk with reliability and absolute privacy.

All information, data and content obtained through the use of Health 101™ are provided with 'informational' and 'educational' purposes only. In no way it is a substitute for professional medical care. The program does not offer a diagnosis or treatment plan. Always check with your Doctor before making any decisions or taking any actions regarding your health.

Health Risk Reduction

Health 101™ allows users to perform custom Health Risk Assessments. Like the so-called Heart Disease 10-year Risk (based on the Framingham Point Scores). It also enables them -for the first time- to perform 'What if' analysis of different risk-reduction scenarios. The tool facilitates organization and management of personal health data.

The national epidemic of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. has reached unprecedented levels. Health 101™ will create awareness, disseminate guidelines, facilitate the learning process, and hopefully, motivate the adoption of healthier lifestyles and health risk-reduction strategies.