Health Calculators

Modern medicine has become more and more objective. The need to process data has increased, especially quantitative data (numbers). For example the 'Body Mass Index' or the target Heart Rate. Until recently, all these critical, somewhat difficult calculations were unaccessible to the public. In fact, only selected physicians and healthcare professionals were doing them by hand. Health 101™ offers a unique alternative for Health Education and Awareness. The Program not only takes care of the arithmetics, but also, allows simultaneous computation of several health variables in one panel with one single click.

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Tool

Health 101™ features an innovative 'Cardiac Risk Assessment Tool'. It evaluates Framingham Point Scores, Major Risk Factors and Metabolic Syndrome based on the National Cholesterol Education Program (ATP III Guidelines). This comprehensive resource allows users to calculate the so-called Heart Disease 10-year Risk with ease and reliability. It also enables Users -for the first time- to perform 'What if' analysis of different risk-reduction scenarios. The tool facilitates organization and management of custom personal health data.

Full of Capabilities

Health 101™ proprietary algorithms perform hundreds of functions and computations. Some features include:
  • arithmetical processing
  • automatic unit conversion
  • multiple-unit entries
  • color-coded normal-abnormal outputs
  • normal values
  • automatic range-checks
  • intuitive interface
  • easy navigation and info access
  • English/Metric notation
  • organized and standardized
  • Based on Health Guidelines

  • Leading Technologies

    ScyMed® Health 101™ combines object-oriented programming and the open standards of the Internet. It is a browser-based application, which means that it runs on the www --world wide web-- browser, specifically, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5/later.
    The program is user-friendly and features intuitive graphical interfaces.