Test Eye movements by having the patient track your finger as it moves in the 'square with diagonals' pattern. (Testing CN III, IV, VI).

Six cardinal positions of gaze (indicated by diagram's arrows)

Extraocular Motor Palsies
  • CN III (oculomotor)
    Ptosis, inability to turn the eye upward, downward or inward. At rest the eye is deviated down and temporally, exotropia.
  • CN IV (Trochlear)
    Vertical diplopia with hypertropia and excylotorsion of the eye. Patients compensate this by adapting a head tilt toward the uninvolved side
  • CN VI (Abducens)
    Inward deviation (esotropia) of the eye and paresis of abduction.
  • Ophthalmoplegia
    eye palsy
  • Nistagmus
  • Oscillopsia
    Illusory movement of the environment